Not much time for crafting (again!), as my dear sister, Jane (or 'middle-aged muddle' as she is known on the blog) came to visit on Sunday. This unfortunately coincided with a return to winter up here in Scotland and the weather was really so bad we hardly left the house. Now that she is gone it is absoluely glorious weather!
We did manage a trip to John Lewis, where I bought more wool and an embroidery hoop (more on that later).
Look at this massive pile of crochet flowers Jane has made!
She wanted to help me out in the shop by giving me all these to sell with my Bearpaw stuff (and doesn't want anything for them, bless her!). They are a bit smaller than the ones I make (and made of lovely soft wool) so I am thinking of attaching them to hairbands as an experiment. I also must get on with that Etsy shop as I now have more than enough goods to sell just in my 'real' shop.
As you can imagine I was a bit shocked! I was also due to be on my own in the shop that afternoon and was panicking about how I would get him collected from hospital (thanks Allyson for coming in at such short notice).
Turns out he had crushed/mangled rather than sliced the top of his right-hand, ring finger and some of his middle finger on the large table saw. Luckily he had not broken the finger and he has gone back to the hospital today to have an operation involving a skin graft. Poor thing was pretty traumatised and in a lot of pain. Though he'd still managed to take a photo of the injury on his phone which I have so far refused to look at! Our 2 boys were happy to look at it though - men, eh?
It is all ridiculously ironic considering he has been a furniture maker for the last 17 years and yet this is the first 'saw related' injury he has had. Regular readers may remember me mentioning that we are closing our manufacturing facility down and Jonathan will be a furniture maker no longer. The day before he had finally said goodbye to his last worker and was really just supposed to be tidying up (most of the large machinery having been sold), but decided to use up some scrap making new window cills for the shop.
Luckily there were 2 guys working in the neighbouring unit and one of them kindly drove Jonathan to the Royal Infirmary (as even if he had been able to drive, his van was stuck in the snow outside!). So thank you very much Robert Wiseman Dairy!
This is the back of a cushion I made before Jane arrived on Sunday.
We bought in a few rolls of gorgeous Greengate fabric for the first time this spring. Greengate is one of our most popular suppliers and I have been asked by customers on a number of occasions for the fabric on a roll. I took the plunge and even set up a cutting table, but no one is buying!
So I thought I would make a cushion to showcase the lovely designs. I especially like this beautiful one I used on the back. They are all £21.99 a metre and very good quality cotton (in case anyone reading is interested! I can mail order...)
So if things calm down a bit at home I will try and give embroidery some attention and hopefully have something to show you next time!
What a busy week you've had... Poor Jonathan.. I hope it heals soon and he feels better..
ReplyDeleteYour sister is very generous and you have done extremely well with that lovely cushion!!
I just had a look at the Greengate catalogue and I LOVE it!!
How about a photo on your blog of all the bolts and their prices? I am sure I could use some for a little project! I expect people are thinking...mmmm....expensive per metre.... but they do not realize the quality and uniqueness they are getting for that money and if you do not need that much,(like for a cushion or a bookcover e.g.) it is SO worth it! So photos please !! and I'll send you my order!
Thanks Magueritte! Maybe I should cut up some of it into fat quarters, the fabric is 167cm wide so you would get a very decent sized piece of 83 x 50cm for £5.50. We do intend to put the fabric on the website when Jonathan gets the chance, meanwhile I will try and show some close-ups in next post in case any take your fancy!
ReplyDeleteGeezo Jo - Poor Jonathan! What a shame and rotten luck! Thank goodness someone was next door to take him to the hospital! Hope he gets well soon and the surgery goes ok!
ReplyDeleteI love the fabric can't believe people are not buying yet!
Love Jane's corchet flowers - the small ones are very pretty!
:) X
What a long blog, but so lovely and newsy, thanks for the photo of my flower crochet, they look quite sweet all in a pile, ready for someone to come along and pluck them up and put them into basket! Love the cushion - it is a lot of money for a metre, but fat quarters seems like a great idea - hope you get a chance to be creative over Easter x
ReplyDeleteOh Jo, I can but smile :) Having run a furniture manufacturing company down here in Cornwall for 14 years, I know only too well the trauma of missing finger bits! Circular saws are nasty beasts - even a flipping sander can sand the skin off your knuckles down to the bone, if you're not careful :D I hope he's feeling better - and of course not using it as an excuse to be waited on hand and foot, ha, ha!! (As my ex partner in life and business certainly would!)
ReplyDeleteThe cushion is really lovely - you could take the flower motif and embroider it on top of the stripe one too, so many possibilities! (Buttons for the centres?! Oh god I should shut up!!) There's nothing like a bit of simple embroidery to make something completely your own. I really love the closures you've made for the back too - I love things like this so much more than zips :)
I hope you've had a lovely Easter and that the north warms up a bit for you! x