
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Quilter Magazine

At this year's Festival of Quilts I re-joined the Quilter's Guild. They help run the show and have a 'recruitment' stand there. I'd been planning to do it for a while having become re-connected with some of the Scottish groups through 'trunk show' visits over the last couple of years, and also through my work with Festival of Quilts to promote the new Modern Quilt category at the show.

 The Quilter, Winter 2016, issue 149

But why? I hear you ask. Well I thought I should address this at length and so I suggested an article for their magazine, The Quilter, talking about my history with the guild (I first joined in the early 1990's), why I re-joined, how they can attract more quilters to do the same, and why all quilters should work together rather than staying in cliques (my argument being - we are a niche enough bunch without creating further niches!).

I sent them some photos of recent quilts and then was amazed to find my Conkers Quilt on the cover! It looks so good as a close-up (the quilting looks pretty impressive even if I say so myself!). You can even see a fly that had landed on the quilt during photography if you look closely! Pattern for this quilt available here.

The Quilter, Winter 2016, issue 149

They did a lovely spread inside too. 

I took some photos for the article of old issues of The Quilter magazine from my earlier stint in the Guild. There were very few dedicated quilter magazine's at this time (not like now!), and so The Quilter was eagerly awaited every quarter (before social media it was essential communication  for the quilting community).

I was delighted to have some of my quilts featured in the magazines including Recycled Ballroom below. This was selected for a Quilter's Guild 'suitcase exhibition' which travelled around Europe for 2 years.

I was very good back then and labelled all my quilts, which is how I know that it was made in 1995. And yet it is not unlike a lot of the quilts I still make - an Improv New York Beauty made using the same freehand foundation piecing technique I still use. And with buttons (always useful for hiding unmatched points, which I assume was happening here, though as it's all wonky anyway who know's?)!

The main difference is this was made completely with raw silk, off-cuts from a friendly ballgown maker to be precise, and hence it's name. It's also one of the Green Quilts I made at that time (I wrote more about the green quilt movement here).

You can check out the Quilter's Guild website here. Maybe you want to read my article so much that you join just to get the magazine!? The magazine is still very good and interesting with lots of in-depth articles from the quilt world. I will be writing more articles in the future, including a report on Modern Quilts after my visit to QuiltCon next year.

Once you are a member you can enjoy discounts at plenty of quilt shops in the UK plus reduced price entry to Festival of Quilts, including the workshops and exhibition entry fees.

You can also download all your details on the guild website and create your own 'page', a great way to connect with others. There are quite a few specialist groups you can join including a modern quilt group.

They also have a facebook group for members, and a public page here. Plus they are now also on Instagram @thequiltersguild! Great to see they are already doing a lot of the things I suggest in my article.

I would very much welcome any feedback from other QG members amongst my readers who have read the article - please be honest!


  1. I have finally decided to join the guild but it will have to wait till february will be cheeky and ask someone who is allready a member if I can sneek peek your article. The guild members were so frinedly at the knitting and stitching show in Harrogate a couple of weeks ago

  2. It looks like a really interesting article!
